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the faces of -Mama Preshona- See Sample Curriculum Below:)

Preshona is a passionate, non-traditional educator, experienced in teaching and creating curriculum around these subjects and more:  World Geography & History, Spanish, English, GED Prep & SAT Prep, General Education, Special Education, Scratch Jr., Art, Odyssey of the Mind, Spanish, Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Meditation/Breathing/Intro Yoga, Intro to Chemistry & Physics.
Combining many of her fields of practice, her Masters in Special Education, and B.A. in Media Cross-Cultural Hegemony with Spanish & International Studies Minors, she created the bilingual I Am Sun program, to prepare young students for college from a young age, while embracing perspectives, stories & histories of students of color. Sign up for tutoring with Mama P on:
She currently teaches her college-prep Decolonized-Core-Academics curriculum, Spanish & Politics courses at Sankofa Homeschool Collective; teaches Pre-K about the world & their powers at Kamali Academy; and tutors individual subjects -- all when she is not organizing for the Community Grocery Co-Op & DC Environmental Justice Coalition OR creating media for her IG Page/TikTok / YouTube page, blogging or other random creations from her imagination or others':)


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I Am Sun CurricuLuM

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sample curriculum

Click on images
Sample Curriculum 1.png
D in PrideRockerland Intro and Context.0
Sample Curriculum 2.png
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